A Message from the USIHC Board of Directors: Will Covert Elected to FEIF Board of Directors

A Message from the United States Icelandic Horse Congress Board of Directors
As we look towards the new year and plan for events to come, the USIHC Board of Directors would like to acknowledge the time-honored leadership of USIHC President Will Covert and congratulate him on his recent election to the FEIF Board of Directors.
Due to this well-deserved achievement, Will stepped down in December from the USIHC Board of Directors to serve on the FEIF Board of Directors, as FEIF board members may not fill a comparable position in a national association.
Notably, Will held numerous leadership positions throughout his eight-year tenure as a USIHC Board member: Sport Leader (2008–2020), Education Co-Chair (2019–2022), and USIHC President (2016–2022).
Regarding his activities and accomplishments, Will guided the Sport committee to develop a stronger connection and work in partnership with the Education committee. Specifically, he was instrumental to developing the Sport Judge Sseminar and served as an advisor to the Ttrainer Ccertification committee, both of which are initiatives that have led to continued education and certifications for sport judges and trainers. His connections in the Icelandic horse world have also greatly benefited our membership by increasing rider education through recruiting high-quality sport judges for National Ranking events. Additionally, he worked to improve the process of qualifying for the World Championship team in order to support and elevate opportunities for riders here in the United States.
As President, Will’s leadership style encouraged people to present ideas or expand upon existing ones. In the process, Will accomplished things both collaboratively and quietly in the background with a constructive and solution-oriented mindset. He has been an invaluable resource and mentor, and his extensive knowledge of breeding, sport, and education has strengthened USIHC’s work efforts regarding our mission to promote the knowledge of the Icelandic horse within the United States and its correct use as a competition and riding horse.
We are grateful for Will’s leadership, generosity with his knowledge and time, and international connections that he has facilitated for USIHC over the last eight years. While acting in the numerous roles that Will did for USIHC, it was consistently evident that we were all colleagues and friends working towards the same goal. We look forward to his impact internationally while serving on the FEIF Board of Directors and his continued work for the Icelandic horse.
With gratitude,
USIHC Board of Directors