NY FEIF Breeding Evaluations

On September 1st and 2nd, the NY FEIF Breeding Show took place at the Cobleskill Fairgrounds in Cobleskill, NY.
Show Organizer, Martina Gates, writes, "We completed the 9th breeding show in the Northeast this fall with 11 horses entered into the show. Six of the horses were US born and bred. All horses scored first or second prize for conformation and all horses presented for ridden assessment made it to second prize or higher. The highest judged horse was the 7-year old gelding Zophonías from Vinland who made it to first prize with 8.20 for conformation and 8.15 for ridden abilities and is now the second highest judged domestic horse together with the mare Osk from Helms Hill. This event was only made possible through the joint effort of volunteers, generous donations and support from the USIHC and NEIHC."