Kvikur from Beat N' Branch

Kvikur from Beat N Branch is a promising 5 gaited domestic-bred palomino stallion who shows excellent confirmation with separate clean gaits. He has a willing attitude and a gentle temperament.
His sire is the talented and beautiful first prize IS2007187661 Strokkur fra Sy∂ri-Gegnishólum with 9 for pace, 8.5 for tolt and 8.56 for rideability.
His dam is domestic bred first prize US 2010204585 Kvika from Four Winds Farm with 8.28 for confirmation and 8.16 total. Kvikur is standing at Taktur in Crestwood Kentucky. Breeding fee is $700.
Taktur Icelandics - Carrie Brandt
Crestwood, KY
S: Strokkur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum - IS2007187661
SS: Orri frá Þúfu í Landeyjum - IS1986186055
SD: Grýla frá Stangarholti - IS1990236512
D: Kvika from Four Winds Farm - US2010204585
DS: Þóroddur frá Þóroddsstöðum - IS1999188801
DD: Kamilla frá Efri-Rauðalæk - IS2005265495