The Rules for Icelandic Horse Competitions are named FEIF Sport Rules and Regulations. They serve the organization of international, national and other Icelandic horse sport events. The FEIF Sport Rules and Regulations are also valid for all World Championships for Icelandic horses.The FEIF Sport Rules and Regulations describe requirements for horses, equipment, and riders and define the different tests in oval track classes (gaited tests), pace track classes (pace test and pace race), and some other classes like trail, flag race, and cross country. Guidelines for sport judges are published in a separate document.
National Ranking is based on scores from both virtual and live National Ranking (NR) shows from the past two years.
*Update for 2024: A couple of FEIF sport rule changes will take effect on April 1, 2024.
- T5 now has a 3rd element where medium to fast tölt is shown.
- T2 Finals now require loose rein tölt is shown in both directions.
Click here to view the full summary of the changes made to the FEIF rules that will take effect on April 1, 2024.
- FEIF Sport Rules: Complete, official FEIF Sport Rules rules in PDF format.
- Prohibited Equipment at Sport Events: FEIF Prohibited Equipment in Sport.
- FEIF Sport Judges Guidelines
- USIHC National Ranking Show Rules & Procedures: These rules and procedures have been updated for 2024.
- Sample National Ranking Show Entry Form: This is a simple entry form organizers may use as a starting point for a show entry form. This form includes all the information necessary to create the event in IceTest before the start of the first test.
- National Ranking Show Application: Completed application must be approved by the Chair of the Sport Committee at least 30 days before the start of the show.
- Application to offer P2 at a National Ranking Event: P2 – SpeedPass:100 m Pace race with flying start This test is conducted on a pace track, where there should be at least a stretch of 50 m before the start of the timed stretch of 100 m.
- National Ranking Show Report: Completed post-show report must be received by the Chair of the Sport Committee within 15 days of the show.
- USIHC National Team
- 2025 WC Tryout Rules - Amendment 1 Included
National Ranking shows must be approved. Contact Competition Committee Chair person for details. Current Chair person is Ásta Covert,